The Young Archaeologists' Club (YAC) is a UK-wide organisation for young people up to the age of seventeen who have, or want to, develop an interest in archaeology, history and their heritage. The Young Archaeologists’ Club has its roots in 1972 when Kate Pretty and Mike Corbishley set up an archaeology club in England known as the ‘Young Rescue’. The club became so popular it outgrew its humble beginnings and was soon passed to the Council for British Archaeology (CBA) for safekeeping. The aim of the CBA is to promote participation in archaeological research, education and the conservation of the built, buried, landscape and townscape heritage. The Young Archaeologists’ Club provides an opportunity for children to share in this experience and discover just how much fun it can be to learn about the past. There are more than 70 local YAC Branches spread throughout the UK. Most branches meet once a month and are run by teams of volunteers.
More information on the Young Archaeologists' Club on its official website.