Participants required for a study investigating knowledge of Cancer Related Fatigue
Are you aged between 18-69 years old and a family member, unpaid carer or a friend of someone with cancer or who has had cancer?

Researchers from the Schools of Psychology at QUB and Ulster along with the All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care are conducting a study to investigate people’s knowledge and understanding of cancer related fatigue and physical activity.
Participation in the study will involve a small group discussion (60 minutes max) at a time and venue most convenient to you. Participants will also be asked to complete a short data collection sheet to state your age, gender, relationship to the person with cancer, type and duration of cancer and if you engage in any physical activity.
If you are interested in taking part or would like some further information, please contact Dr Lisa Graham-Wisener by phone (028 90974871) or e-mail (
The research has been approved by the Ulster University School of Psychology Filter Committee for Research Ethics.