Survey Group
The Survey Group carries out monument surveys from April to September each year, usually on the last Saturday of the month. Between October and March, the group meet and prepare reports based on the material that has been gathered during the survey season.
Membership of the Survey Group is open to all members of the Ulster Archaeological Society and new members are always welcome. Further details may be obtained from the Honorary Secretary at the address on the society homepage.
The Survey Group of the Ulster Archaeological Society was formed in the Autumn of 2005, in accordance with the wishes of the late Dr Anne Hamlin, a long-standing member of the society, who left a legacy to the society for this purpose.
Survey equipment was purchased and initial training in its use was provided by Barrie Hartwell of the Queen’s University of Belfast during the winter of 2005/6. Also during this period, discussions with Malachy Conway, Survey Archaeologist of the National Trust in Northern Ireland, revealed that many archaeological sites on National Trust properties had not yet been surveyed.
It was therefore agreed that the Survey Group would undertake to survey these monuments, in association with the National Trust and that the survey programme would commence in the Spring of 2006. It was also agreed that copies of the completed survey reports would be provided for the National Trust, the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (Environment and Heritage Service as it was then known) and the archives of the Ulster Archaeological Society.
In order for the information to be made available to as many interested parties as possible, it was subsequently agreed to also place completed survey reports on the society website in PDF format. Copyright for these reports remains with the Ulster Archaeological Society, but visitors to the website are free to download these reports as required.