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Translating Age

Janey's "The River Cannot Go Back"*

*The quote "The river cannot go back" refers to a poem attributed to Khalil Gibran.

The River Cannot Go Back

Your granny would say…
You grow where you are planted
And planted I was in a country not of my choosing
For only a short journey across the rough Irish Sea.
Enclosed in our own community by barbed wire fencing
A pregnant young wife full of hopes & dreams.
I had to learn to light the coal dirty fire
There is no piped gas here on the island
I drive to the shops - I don’t want to draw attention.
They cannot understand my dialect 
I learn to adjust the speed and turn of speech
Certain words I have to give up on
I’m weary and frustrated in my attempt.
Far from family and friends
Trying hard to hide the shame of a marriage falling apart
Of the abuse hid behind closed doors
Of the dreams that were not meant to be.
Your poppy is not welcome here 
Your crucifix is not welcome there 
Be mindful where you go 
What identification you have on display.
But I’ve found a new family now
A band of friends
They come from all corners of the globe 
United by our differences not alienated.

Like the river on its journey to the sea
There have been many twists and turns
And as I stand and watch the waves 
I can feel the connection to home.

Maybe your Granny was right after all 
You really do grow where you are planted
As we gain strength from our friendships
And continue to flourish in them to journey's end.



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