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News & Events


Thursday 9th April 2020, Queen’s University Belfast. Due to the impact of Covid 19 this workshop was cancelled, we hope to hold the event when it is safe to do so.

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The workshop will bring key stakeholders from across the UK to meet face-to-face, coming together to discuss and establish working groups focused on particular themes and stimulate ideas for network funded pump-priming projects.

We will gather information on the school food system from the key network members who will be present, identifying what members want from the network and establish any important gaps in current network membership.

Our initial workshop will include a training session in systems thinking for public health action. We will also use this training opportunity to gather some initial data, with the ultimate aim of developing a systems map of the school food system. The approach will help us better understand the causal pathways within the school food system and the feedback loops and unintended consequences that influence the system.
