Q. Can I work part time?
A. Yes. Normal provisions apply in accommodating trainees with LTFT training possibility at 80%. Given that this job already reduces the amount of clinical time spent per week, should a trainee wish to consider LTFT at less than 80%, this would need to be approved by RCGP to ensure adequate clinical training requirements are being met for CCT.
Q. What research experience do I need?
A. There is no prerequisite for research experience in applying for this job and the prospective GPARTS trainee can expect to learn and apply a lot of new skills throughout the two year programme. An ability to demonstrate a keen interest in this area is desirable however and previous involvement with audit, quality improvement projects, poster presentations etc. are looked upon favourably.
Q. What are the RCGP/NIMDTA requirements during GPARTS?
A. Aim is to pass the AKT and CSA in year 1. You also have to complete:
- A QI project (EQUIP programme) is also carried out in 1st year
- 2 learning logs per week
Rest of normal requirements for standard ST3 year are split over two years:
- 3 COTs / 3 CBDs for each review period (12 of each over the two years)
- 1 PSQ over the two years
- 2 MSFs over the two years
- CEPS all to be completed by end of training
- 72 hours OOH to be completed over the two years
Q. What are the pros and cons of doing ST3 over 2 years?
A. In the first year of GPARTS, 60% of time is spent in clinical practice and 40% doing research and vice versa in year two. Less concentrated clinical time can mean a slower integration into a new practice, but an extra year in the training environment is beneficial as it allows more time to absorb knowledge and refine skills. Research not only provides an opportunity to become an expert on an important topic relating to primary care but also enhances development of skills transferable to the clinical environment, such as critical thinking and leadership. Benefits result from remaining within the trust area with the opportunity to attend locality training days whilst also learning from a group of supportive trainees and mentors in GPARTS. With the combination of clinical and research, trainees are refreshed upon returning to clinical practice.
Q. Who will be supervising my research?
A. Research will be supervised by a primary supervisor and a secondary supervisor approved by QUB. Supervisors will usually be allocated and determined based on areas of interest of relevant academics. Meetings with supervisors are required on a minimum of a bimonthly basis.
Q. Who will be supervising my clinical work?
A. Clinical supervisors will be designated GPST3 trainers in approved training practices within the relevant locality area. They will be aware of the GPARTS job role and the division of time between clinical and research commitments.
Q. What are the assessments and deadlines expected for GPARTs?
A. There are a few assessments that need completed over the 2 years. Throughout the 2 years, you will have several meetings with your supervisors. QUB requires 12 meetings to be recorded over the course of the 2 years (1 report every 2 months). These are fairly straight forward and just a documentation as to what was discussed.
You also need to record 10 training days/year which again is completed on the same platform as supervisor reports.
Year 1 (August 2020-August 2021)
January 2021: Completion of literature review/background
May 2021: Annual Progress Review including training record
Year 2 (August 2021-August 2022)
February 2022 : Intention to submit thesis
Annual Progress Review
April 2022: Hard bound thesis deadline for summer graduation
June 2022: Viva
Q. What is an MPhil degree?
A. Many people setting out to train in research set out to complete a PhD over 3-4 years. An MPhil is the equivalent of year 1 of a PhD. An MPhil is a therefore a 1 year Masters degree achieved by completion of a thesis and examined by a Viva.
Q. Is there any change in your pay?
A. Your pay moves along the pay scales as it normally would in keeping with your stage of training. Your banding remains the same.
Q. What is the structure of a typical week in the GPARTs programme?
A. The first year of MPhil is 60% clinical, comprising of two days in practice, Thursday tutorial group as well as two days at QUB. The second year is 40% clinical, the Thursday tutorial day is replaced by a day at QUB. There will be a number of QUB induction days at the start of the academic year.
Every Wednesday there is a GPARTS meeting, this includes trainees and clinical academic lecturers. During these sessions we can present research updates, there may be presentations from outside speakers on topics such as infographics, PPI and literature searches. There is also teaching on research approaches, problemitisation and other topics from our trainers.
Each month there is a postgraduate teaching session within the centre of medical education at QUB. This is where a number of PHD students from a variety of specialties such as paediatrics, psychology as well as senior lecturers and GPART trainees attend. A number of topics may be presented and discussed including thesis writing, phenomenology and data handling.
As well as this you will have regular meetings with you supervisors and complete independent work on literature review and various projects. Over time you will be able to arrange interviews and data gathering as well as the opportunity to attend conferences.