US Educationalists Visit the Market and Queen’s Communities and Place
Dr Victoria Graf, Professor of Education Emerita Loyola Marymount University and Dr Amy Hanreddy, California State University, Northridge and Lela Rondeau, Los Angeles Unified School District, visited QCAP on Thursday 21 November 2024.

The visit began with a welcome address from Dr Gareth Robinson, QCAP Dimension Lead for Education, Skills, and Inclusive Innovation.
As part of the visit, QCAP hosted a Seminar on ‘Advancing Inclusive Education: Effective Strategies and Systemic Change’. Amy Hanreddy and Lela Rondeau presented on transformative approaches to inclusive education that go beyond traditional school settings, and highlighted strategies for aligning school and community resources to create sustainable support systems, accommodating complex needs, neurodiversity, enhancing educational outcomes and well-being for children and young people.
Members of the QCAP team, along with their community partners, visited St Malachy’s Primary School in The Market on 22 November 2024. Ms Andrea Tiernan, Acting Principal and Mrs Kate McGuigan, Deputy Designated Teacher at St Malachy’s Primary School, provided an overview of the school demographics, and insight into the current challenges and supports around SEN provision in school. The visitors also got a walking tour of the school and met some of the pupils and teachers along the way.
Following the tour of St Malachy’s, Fionntán Hargey, project and community worker at the Market Development Association (MDA), introduced the visitors to the history of the area, and gave an outline of the challenges the community faces.
To conclude the day, members of the QCAP team and US educationalists travelled to Forge Integrated Primary School where a roundtable discussion was hosted with South Belfast Primary School Special Education Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) and school leaders.