Tackling Substance Use Programme: Other Dangers & Conversations
The seventh and final session of our community co-designed Tackling Substance Use Education Programme took place on the evening of Tuesday 4 December in The Market community.

This session was led by Professor Anne Campbell - Queen's University Belfast and Professor Kathryn Higgins - Queen's University Belfast and focussed on raising awareness around the dangers related to Substance Use (SU) and how to initiate conversations with loved ones about SU in a non-judgemental manner.
Our guest panel, comprising Sean Conlon (Extern) and Kathy Faulkner (Social Worker) highlighted the impacts of SU and the availability of supports to users including harm reduction services such as Enhanced Needle and Syringe Exchange Service (NSES). This session saw a dynamic discussion between the community residents and the guest speakers around starting (or restarting) discussions about SU with a family member or friend. Practical advice on how to reduce the harm that people do themselves or others from SU and the more accessible harm reduction services available to substance users were shared.