Responding to Community Need – Interventions for Substance Use

Following on from our ongoing conversations in the Market around tackling substance use; working with our partners in the MDA and Market Health Action we will begin to develop related interventions to address identified and prioritised need for Substance use education for parents and adults in the Market; and Substance use prevention and early intervention among children and young people.
The interventions will be developed using a participatory co-design methodology. This method of co-design with communities, to address challenges in those communities, is key to generate tailored solutions to persistent challenges. Co-design of the two community led interventions will use a collaborative approach by which information from a range of relevant stakeholders will be shared and combined; with lived experience of the community key in helping to tackle substance use concerns within the community.
The development of the interventions will commence in the coming months and will see involvement of a range of community stakeholders. Further details about the intervention development plans will be announced at our next community consultation night in the Market community.