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Applying for Fellowships: Networking with Successful Fellows

This networking session is designed to equip prospective fellowship applicants with first-hand knowledge from fellowship experts and successful fellows, helping them to plan and prepare their own application.

May 29, 2023
Canada Room/Council Chamber, Lanyon Building
11:30 - 14:00

Overview of the Session

Securing a fellowship can give a helpful boost to an academic career by enabling the fellow to develop their research independence, while simultaneously getting them acquainted with the grant writing process and building their track-record of securing funding. It is however a very competitive process and can be daunting for research staff who have never applied for funding before. To be successful, it is important to plan well in advance, develop one's awareness and seek some advice and feedback.

This event is directed at research staff interested in applying for a research fellowship in the future or currently in the process of applying for one. It will include a short presentation by Dr Evelyn Keaveney, Research Development Officer, who will highlight how to effectively plan an application, focusing on timeline, main steps, existing support at Queen’s, and advice based on her extensive experience supporting fellowship applicants.

Attendees will then participate in a ‘group speed mentoring’, during which they will get the opportunity to talk with current fellowship holders and hear about their experience of applying for fellowships and becoming fellows, as well as receiving tips and advice on preparing an application based on their experience.

Further networking will also take place informally over lunch, which will be provided.


This event is organised by Organisational Development, the Postdoctoral Development Centre and the Research Development Team as part of our commitment to provide support for Queen’s researchers via the Researcher Development Concordat.

Registration will close on 24 May at 17:00 to enable time for preparation, including confirming hospitality requirements.


Dr Evelyn Keaveney

Dr Evelyn Keaveney has worked in Research Development since April 2020 and has experience with fellowship applications from multiple National funders. She has helped candidates to success with UKRI, Royal Society Awards and Leverhulme Awards, as well as organising training workshops which can be found on the Research Development Fellowship Training Page. She is happy to speak to you about your ideas individually and help you to find a funder, and prepare your applications for fellowships in Queen’s.

Several Queen’s fellows from the Fellowship Academy will be in attendance and will participate in the small group discussions and networking lunch.

View room location and AccessAble guide for the Canada Room/Council Chamber


People and Culture
Postdoctoral Development Centre
Research and Enterprise
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Name Postdoctoral Development Centre