About Us
The Northern Ireland Public Data Panel (NIPDP) is a panel that has been set up to facilitate conversations with the public about data use in research, innovation, service delivery & decision-making. NIPDP aims to discuss how our data is or could be used for public good.
Panel members will:
- Explore our understanding of how data is collected and used
- Advise on how public trust, transparency and acceptance in the use of data can be supported
- Discuss the meaning and evidencing of public benefit in data use
- Members will also be co-developing the panel and its work, and advocating for its use.
- About the Partners
The Northern Ireland Public Data Panel (NIPDP) pilot is a partnership initiative between the Administrative Data Research Centre Northern Ireland (ADRC NI) and the Digital Health and Care Northern Ireland (DHCNI).
Administrative Data Research Centre Northern Ireland (ADRC NI) is a partnership between Ulster University and Queen’s University Belfast. The centre makes it possible for researchers to access information collected by national and local government and other public sector organisations (typically in the delivery of services). ADRC NI is part of the wider Administrative Data Research UK network (ADR UK).
Health & Social Care data should always be kept safely and securely, with access controlled through a transparent system of approvals which met best practice and standards. The Northern Ireland Trusted Research Environment (NITRE) is part of Health and Social Care Data Institute (HSCDI) which focuses on development of data and connectivity infrastructure to enable collaborative data research and evaluation to improve our insights into health and social care.
- Who We Are
Meet the people behind Northern Ireland Public Data Panel (NIPDP)
Elizabeth NelsonCo-Director, NIPDPPublic Engagement, Communications and Impact Manager ADRC NIElizabeth is the Public Engagement, Communications and Impact Manager at the Administrative Data Research Centre Northern Ireland (ADRC NI) where her remit includes developing partnerships with voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector groups as well as policymakers.
She holds a Master of Laws in Human Rights Law from Queen's University Belfast.
She has extensive experience in engaging with vulnerable and disadvantaged communities, and enhancing the participation of these groups in politics, research and policymaking.
Frances BurnsCo-Director, NIPDPNITRE LeadFrances is lead for the Health and Social Care Northern Ireland Trusted Research Environment (NITRE), part of the HSC Data Institute.
She is Department of Health lead for the implementation of regulations for controlled use of confidential patient information for purposes other than direct care.
She is Director of the Northern Ireland Public Data Panel (NIPDP) a cross-sectoral infrastructure for public dialogue in Northern Ireland, and a member of the Understanding Patient Data UK Steering Group.
Frances holds a PhD in research and its impact pathways.
Business Support Manager, NIPDPJohn is the Business Support Manager for the Northern Ireland Public Data Panel (NIPDP), part of the HSC Data Institute for Digital Health Care NI, & Northern Ireland Trusted Research Environment.
He holds an Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences from Institute of Technology Dublin.
John has experience in engaging with the public working across multiple sectors in Ireland and the United Kingdom.