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Dominic Bryan


Queen’s University Belfast

Dominic will be in work package 3 developing projects in East Belfast. The Groundswell project in East Belfast seeks to engage with local people in the development of environmentally sustainable local spaces that increase use and a sense of ownership in the local environment. It seeks to build upon existing projects, adding value to work undertaken, but also to co-produce plans and spaces that recognise the needs to local people. Our projects will have two core aims: (1) Engagement with local communities to work within a carbon budget to create sustainable public spaces; (2) An understanding of the sharing of space in East Belfast, recognising the political and class divisions that exist in East Belfast, in order to achieve senses of ownership in public spaces such as parks and rivers.


Dominic was Director of the Institute of Irish Studies (QUB) from 2002-2016, formerly co-chair of the all-party Commission on Flags, Identity, Culture and Tradition (2016-2020) and chair of the Short Working Group Reviewing Processions in Scotland (2022). He is presently managing a project, in conjunction with Co-Operation Ireland, evaluating the Communities in Transition programme run by the Northern Ireland Executive Office. Dominic’s research interests include political rituals, symbols, commemoration, public space, identity, conflict and peace building (Books: Orange Parades Pluto Press, 2000 and Civic identity and public space: Belfast since 1780, MUP, 2019). 

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