The University of Siena on Friday, 29th September hosted the event BRIGHT “Brilliant Researchers Impact on Growth Health and Trust in Research” This was part of European Researchers’ Night wishing to underline the positive aspect of the research activity, in order to convey a positive message to the public. It aimed at enhancing the visibility and perception of researchers across the general population in Tuscany, simultaneously with all the European Researchers' Night (ERN) initiatives. It was conducted at the historic center of Piazza del Campo and throughout the campus.
People had the opportunity to interact with the researchers, appreciate their preparation and passion, and listen to their own words about the positive impact of their research on the quality of everyone’s lives. Two ESRs (ESR6 Prasanth and ESR8 Tuhina) participated in the event to showcase the TRACT programme and enlighten the attendees of the research being undertaken in oral squamous cell carcinoma and oesophageal adenocarcinoma.
With many participants, the event turned out to be immensely successful and memorable. It also involved shows, didactic activities, guided tours of laboratories, science games and more. The initiative was supported by the European Commission in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions to foster the career of researchers in Europe. The ESRs had a very positive experience during the sessions and were able to share their research in a fun and interactive way.